Breastfeeding Stool

A lot of times when moms come into my office, they have questions about proper ways to latch and position their babies. Moms will tell me that they feel that breastfeeding is going well, but something still isn’t lining up. They might be experiencing some latching discomfort. Baby might not be at a comfortable angle.… Continue reading Breastfeeding Stool

Nipple Shields

I’m sure you’ve probably heard a lot of controversy surrounding the use of nipple shields while breastfeeding. You’ve probably heard that they can decrease supply, baby won’t transfer as much from the breast, or that baby will become dependent on it. You might also have heard the positive aspects as well. Shields can protect sore… Continue reading Nipple Shields

Colief (Lactase Drops)

Do you have a baby that is suffering from colic symptoms? (Colic is defined as a baby crying for more than three hours a day, three days a week, for three weeks.) Are they crying and fussing a lot? Do they seem gassy and uncomfortable? Are you noticing a change in their stools (green in… Continue reading Colief (Lactase Drops)