Motherlove More Milk Two

Are you a mommy that is looking for a way to optimize your breast milk supply while pregnant or trying to get pregnant? A lot of times, I have moms come into my office that are currently pregnant and are still nursing their existing baby or toddler that notice that their supply is starting to take a dip. Mommies usually ask me why this is and what is happening to their bodies and milk supply. The short way of explaining it to my families is that there are only so many calories available to mom. When mom is pregnant, her body must make a choice. Her body knows that it has to keep mommy alive. It also is utilizing those calories to make breastmilk for the existing nursing. This relationship is manageable for her body. But now, add a new pregnancy into the mix and her body has to make a choice on where to spend the calories. There are only so many to go around. Her body realizes that somethings got to give. The first place caloric preservation will happen is with mom’s milk supply. Making breastmilk, a lot of times is no longer her body’s priority. Her body now has to make a decision. What is more important, making breastmilk or growing the new baby. Her body will usually make the call to slow down or even stop the making of milk to preserve the calories to develop the new baby.

This is where More Milk Two comes into play. This is a beautiful herbal supplement that will help to support pregnant mothers who are still breastfeeding their existing babies. It is an alcohol-free supplement made with nettle leaf, red raspberry leaf, and alfalfa. Nettle leaf (urtica dioica) nutrients are important during pregnancy so it is a great one to take while mom is expecting. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) naturally contains phytoestrogens, which have been linked to supporting the development of breast tissue and milk supply. Red raspberry leaf (rubus idaeus) have been historically used with pregnant mothers. Studies show that these herbs can help to tone the muscles in the pelvic area and also have hemostatic and astringent effects. It also contains essential nutrients for the body, such as calcium, iron, potassium, and vitamins A, C, and E. All of these herbs combined together create this lactation blend that is formulated for use during pregnancy. It’s the perfect supplement for mothers who are pregnant and wish to continue nursing and for those that want to support their supply while trying to become pregnant. This formula is also gentle on the stomach, vegan, soy and sugar-free, non-GMO, and is Kosher Certified. There are two different methods of delivery to mom’s system-liquid tincture and gel capsules. Both are linked below for ease of ordering.

As with any herbal supplement, please make sure you are checking with a medical provider or lactation specialist to make sure this supplement is the right choice for you.