
Allow me to introduce you to one of my all-time favorite breastfeeding tools. The Hakka. This little handheld pump is a game changer. Not only is it compact, easy to use, and easy to clean, but it’s also comfortable, affordable, and can be a much easier way for moms to collect milk as opposed to using a traditional pump. This tool is a great choice for moms that are experiencing any of the following concerns:

  • Engorgement of the breasts
  • Leaking of the breasts (especially while feeding off of one breast and the other starts leaking)
  • Moms who want to build a stash for their babies
  • Moms who are milk overproducers
  • Moms with a fast letdown (Milk ejection reflex)
  • Moms looking for a convenient and quick way to collect milk without the hassle of having to wash a bunch of pump parts.

This pump works by creating a consistent negative suction thus pulling milk off of the breast. The flange is a one-size wide opening so it’s comfortable for all breast shapes and types. It’s made of a solid piece of silicone which is super easy to clean. It also allows it to be discreet and quiet! It’s a great tool to use while you are breastfeeding. You can attach it to the opposite breast that baby is currently feeding off of to “catch” your letdown which allows for an easy start to building a freezer stash! Check out the picture below to see it in action.

It’s a much better solution to utilizing that free breastmilk that otherwise would have been caught in your breast pads and gone to waste. Below is a diagram showing just how easy it is to use.