
A lot of moms are lucky enough to not have their period return while breastfeeding. Some others…..not so much. Boo! Along with the drag of a returning period while breastfeeding, comes the strong possibility of your supply taking a dip during the week of menstruation, or even a little bit before. I have treated many moms who want to continue their breastfeeding journey but find it to be quite a challenge when their period returns. The main concerns I hear from these moms is that they don’t feel that they are producing enough milk for their babies or when they are pumping are not seeing an adequate output with their milk supply.

There are also lactating mommies who are either choosing to restart birth control, have delivered prematurely, have babies in the NICU, or want to relactate after weaning.

This is where my good friend Shatavari comes into play! Shatavari (asparagus racemosus), also known as wild asparagus, is a plant native to Indian subcontinent, and a staple in Ayurvedic medicine. Shatavari has been used for generations to help support moms who are experiencing a dip in supply after their period has returned. A recent study demonstrated that Shatavari supports lactation by boosting prolactin (hormone responsible for stimulating lactation) levels in the mother’s body by as much as 3 times.

This herb helps to support the hormonal system and can help to optimize breast milk production. This herb is also fenugreek-free so it’s great for moms with any sort of thyroid concerns. This herb can also be combined with other herbs like Goats Rue to help increase glandular tissue in the breast or Moringa, another great milk-producing herb.

Shatavari is considered safe even for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. Since it belongs to Asparagus family, if you are allergic to asparagus, you should avoid Shatavari and seek medical attention if you notice any allergic reactions. Shatavari is also used a natural medicine to lower blood sugar, so it should be avoided if one is already on diabetes medicines. As with any supplement, it is important to speak to your healthcare provider or lactation professional to see if Shatavari is the right supplement for you and also for correct dosing instructions.